Wordless Wednesday

Saying goodbye is never easy, and saying goodbye to our garden is right up there with sadness. We had a great year with the garden with absolutely no deer incidences, no battling any critters, (except a handful of those tomato worms, ew) and I finally had to pull out the plants a few weeks ago to get the garden ready for Winter.

We had a second batch of Romaine Lettuce coming up really nicely, but then we got a few nights of frost hit us, but I had covered up the lettuce to protect them. It worked, and the plants were saved, but then the temperatures dropped dramatically, and although I know that lettuce likes cooler temps, these temps were just too cold for these little plants to survive. I did not have the heart to pull them out of the garden, then it happened…it snowed! The snow covered them all up with only a little piece of Romaine leaf popping up out of the snow.


It is as if the Romaine was waving goodbye to us, as it took its last look around outside. See you next year little Romaine, we miss you already.

12 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday

    • Hey Laurie! Taking down the garden every year is pure sadness, but there is always next year. We got more than enough tomatoes, Juliets, peppers and zucchini this year than last year, and we are so pleased!

    • It was hard to say goodbye. We are already talking about next years garden. I am probably going to plant a seed or two, just so I can watch something grow. Once you start gardening, you always want to watch something grow! ❤

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