Sunshine Award

My sweet little piggy friend Bacon over at Pig Love, nominated me for the Sunshine Award today, and boy do we need a little sunshine in our life right now! Bacon is a miniature pot bellied pig that was adopted at three weeks old and resides at the Hotel Thompson. Thank you Bacon for making me smile today and for such a lovely award!


The rules of the Sunshine Award are as follows:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you
  2. Nominate 10 people that inspire you
  3. Write 10 interesting facts about yourself

Drum roll please…and the nominations are:

  1. Temporary Home Permanent Love
  2. Wiley Schmidt
  3. My Pawsitively Pets
  4. 2 Brown Dawgs
  5. Easy Weimaraner
  6. Me You and Zu
  7. Free Range Cow
  8. The Lonely Dogs
  9. Born to Organize
  10. Kari Neumeyer

For those who I have nominated above, please snag the Sunshine Award above and post it on your blog, and make sure you pass it along to 10 others using the same rules listed!

Now, onto the 10 interesting facts about me…hmmm, where do I begin?

  1. Nikita & Bella never miss anyone arriving home in the neighborhood. When they see a neighbor or their Daddy coming down the road, they run to every window in the house, just to see them & to bark hello…tails wagging too, of course!
  2. Nikita always sleeps on her back, with her paws up in the air.
  3. Bella always gives her Daddy & Mommy kissies before bed time, it’s the cutest routine we have ever seen.
  4. It has got so bad around here, that we now find ourselves “s p e l l i n g” in front of the “d o g s”.  We catch ourselves all the time speaking a “key” word that both Nikita and Bella know, so it’s easier just to spell things out. I think they are onto us, as they react when they hear a certain key word spelled. Geez!
  5. One of the BIGGEST things that everyone should know about us, is that both Nikita and Bella were both rescued dogs. And we firmly believe in giving back to those who helped them along the way. That’s why we collect donations for the APL every year (this will be our fourth year participating) in their annual PLEDGE FOR PETS FUNDRAISER, so be on the lookout for those upcoming posts on this great fundraiser. Without the APL, who knows what would have happened to Nikita and Bella!  Nikita’s Mommy was poisoned with anti-freeze after she gave birth to a litter of seven pups and they were in dire need of help & food.  Bella was found roaming the streets as a tiny puppy as someone just threw her out. We are so thankful for our dogs as they turned out to be the best dogs ever with so much love to give. (Help save an animals life and make a donation this year!)
  6. Nikita chased a squirrel today, and took Mommy down into the snow unexpectedly. Squirrel survived. Nikita has sat by back door to watch for it all afternoon.
  7. Daddy got bit by the Pinterest bug and now has his own Pinterest Boards filled with awesome Halloween, Christmas, and Grilling pins!  You can check out his boards here, and by all means, please click “follow” as this would just make his day! You can also check out my Pinterest Boards here.
  8. We love gardening and we can’t wait to start our seeds under the grow lights! It will be any time now that we’ll start them, and we usually get them out in the garden some time in May, but have to wait for our last frost to pass. If anyone watched our garden grow in prior years, you can do so again this year as we shine up our green thumb!
  9. We are going to attempt making some Halloween props this year from chicken wire, cheese cloth, and some great foam stuff, so wish us luck!  We want to take our Halloween graveyard up a notch or two this year with some creepy additions. We also hope to build a fence around the graveyard too to keep all the creepy props from walking all over the neighborhood! LOL
  10. Last, but not least, if you have not figured it out yet, I love crafts and making things. I am so blessed that I have a life where I can create things for our home (like the table I am going to build us for dining outdoors this summer) and even some times we even sell a lot of the things that I create on our eBay store!  I save all sorts of crazy stuff, because you just never know what you could use it for down the road!

Here’s a great big THANK YOU to Bacon over at Pig Love for the wonderful nomination of the Sunshine Award! I hope you all head on over to see what Bacon is up to these days, and make sure you tell them that Nikita and Bella sent you!

26 thoughts on “Sunshine Award

  1. Thanks so much for including me in your list for the Sunshine Award. I love that hubby got his on Pinterest account. I also greatly admire your love and work on behalf of animals in need everywhere. Well done, well done!

    • Hi Alys! You definitely deserved the Sunshine Award as your blog is absolutely wonderful, just like YOU! We do our best in giving back to the APL as this is where Nikita and Bella were rescued from! They take such good care of all the animals they bring in, and about 14-17,000 animals come through their doors every year….and they help them all. If you could make a small donation, that would be awesome! Even $5 adds up and helps those who cannot speak up for their self! 🙂

    • Aw, thank you so much! We love your blog too and you definitely deserve an award for your outstanding work! It is so much fun learning about fellow bloggers, I agree! 🙂

    • Aw, I was hoping I mailed it in enough time to make it there for your birthday! I just wanted you to know that you are special to me and that I was thinking about you on your special day! Huggies to you & Happy Birthday! 🙂

    • Nikita loves watching the birdies on our neighbors bird feeder. She can sit by the backdoor for hours and watch them. She was really excited that she saw that squirrel the other day and went nutso! You deserve a wonderful Sunshine Award as your blog is truly awesome!

    • Hi Ann! You are so welcome! We love your blog so much and your posts are awesome! Yeppers, Nikita and Bella are catching on and pretty soon we are going to have to write down what we want to say on paper. If they learn how to read, we’re in trouble, or rich! 🙂

  2. We speak code in front of ZuZu too! There are certain letters that we try to avoid when spelling too, like “P”, because she associates that with going outside to play. Lol!

    • Ha ha, code! It’s like the Davinci Code around the dogs. It’s funny when you ask Nikita where her treats are….she throws her head in the direction to the treat jar! I crack up every time! How are you doing, by the way! Man, I wish we lived next to each other, as we would have so much fun!

      • I wish we lived close too! We would have such a blast. And I feel like I’d get more of my Pinterest crafts finished, lol!
        I’ve been so absent from my blog lately, I’ve missed so much from everyone and have so little time to catch up. 😦 I’m hoping March will be better though!

      • Oh trust me, we would get a lot of Pinterest crafts completed if you lived near me! Crafting is always so much more fun when you do it with a great friend! We’ll be starting our garden seeds soon, so I can start blogging about our little sprouts soon! Gosh we can’t wait, cause this winter has really got us down int he dumps. The past two days we got dumped on and I am so sick of shoveling snow already. I am trying to think positive and know that for each day that passes, we are getting closer to warmer weather!

    • Oh boy, how can you be speechless? You’re a writer! But thank you so much on the wonderful comments. You always know how to put a smile on my face! We can’t wait to start everything for the garden too, and I think we will be creating a brand new fence to go around it. (something a little more pleasant looking, yet keeps those nasty deer out!)

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